Rabu, 23 Januari 2008

perhitungan antena helical

Perhitungan antenna helical 2.4

Perhitungan Antenna Helical 2.4GHz
Oleh: Onno W. Purbo YC1DAV
Frekuensi 2.437 Ghz
Diameter Pipa (Dlambda) 0.042 meter
Diameter Ground Plane 0.130 meter
Slambda 0.035 meter
Panjang Gelombang (Lambda) 0.1231 meter
Clambda 0.1319 meter 1.0718 Lambda (hrs antara 0.75-1.33 Lambda)
G (Ground Plane Diameter) 0.1300 meter 1.0560 Lambda (hrs antara 0.8-1.1 Lambda)
Slambda 0.2653 Clambda (hrs antara 0.2126-0.2867 Clambda)

Lilitan Gain Beam L (m)
dBi (deg)
1 6.64 94.2 0.04
2 9.65 66.6 0.07
3 11.41 54.4 0.11
4 12.66 47.1 0.14
5 13.63 42.1 0.18
6 14.42 38.5 0.21
7 15.09 35.6 0.25
8 15.67 33.3 0.28
9 16.18 31.4 0.32
10 16.64 29.8 0.35
11 17.05 28.4 0.39
12 17.43 27.2 0.42
13 17.78 26.1 0.46
14 18.10 25.2 0.49
15 18.40 24.3 0.53
16 18.68 23.5 0.56
17 18.94 22.8 0.60
18 19.19 22.2 0.63
19 19.43 21.6 0.67
20 19.65 21.1 0.70

Matching impedance perlu di buat karena impedansi antenna helical 150 ohm, sedang coax 50 ohm.
Matching impedance dibuat dari panel / lempengan metal.

mail server

Mail server

webmail server
#apt-get install apache2 tekan enter
#apt-get install php5-cgi
#apt-get install courier-imap pilih yes
#apt-get install squerrelmail
#cd /var/www
#ln -d -s /usr/share/squerrelmail
#vim /etc/courier/authdaemonrc
authmodulelist=”autpam” pada baris ke 27
ada opsi 1–10
pilih : 2,A,8,courier,point 9,detect,s,q
Membuat Mail Directori
#maildirmake-courier /root/Maildir
#maildirmake-courier /home/user(nama dari user)/Maildir
#chown user:user -R(rekursif untuk semua direktori) /home/user/Maildir
Mengkonfigurasi Exim4
#dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
akan ada pilihan dan pilih seperti dibawah ini
yes,ok,pilih atas,enter,enter,enter,enter,enter,no
menambah user
#useradd mailtest(nama user) -d /home/Mailtest
#passwd ailtest
#mkdir /home/mailtest
#chown mailtest:mailtest -R /home/mailtest
#maildirmake.courier /home/mailtest/Maildir
#chown mailtest:mailtest /home/mailtest/Maildir
untuk mencoba ke client buka browser ketik url no_ip_webserver/suqerrelmail
untuk menguninstal
#aptitude purge apache
#aptitude autoclean
#deselect (untuk mengetahui paket2 yg sudah atau belum terinstal)



Langkah-langkah membuat SAMBA server :
Samba Client Howto
Peralatan :
Komputer Client :[Linux Debian]
Komputer Server :[Windows XP]
Konfigurasi Komputer Server
1. Buat folder c:/temp di windows XP
2. Share folder c:/temp

Konfigurasi Komputer Client
1. Install package smbclient dan samba-common
# apt-get install smbclient
# apt-get install samba-common
2. Install package smbfs untuk mount windows share directly
# apt-get install smbfs
3. Testing smbclient untuk browse share directorysmbclient -L [KomputerServer]
# smbclient -L
# masukkan password : [password]
Contoh hasil ;
Sharename Type Comment
--------- ---- -------

IPC$ IPC Distant IPC
D$ Disk default ShareShareDocs Disk
islam Disk
temp Disk
ADMIN$ Disk Remote Admin
wwwroot$ Disk Used for file share access to
web projects
C$ Disk default Share
hpdeskje Printer hp deskjet 845c
Server Comment
--------- -------

Workgroup Master
--------- -------

4. Testing me-mount share directory
# cd /mnt
# mkdir tempclient
# mount -t smb // /mnt/tempclient

5. Cek Hasilnya
# cd /mnt
# ls -l

jika berhasil akan muncul file share directory //


DHCP server

Install dengan perintah Apt-get install dhcp3-server
Konfigurasi dengan perintah mcedit /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf

Edit seperti di bawah ini

# A slightly different configuration for an internal subnet.
subnet netmask {
option domain-name-servers tkj.com;
# option domain-name "internal.example.org";
option routers;
option broadcast-address;
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;

Ket: lainnya kasih tanda comment (#)


dg printah
#Apt-get install vsftpd
Trus konfigurasi dengan perintah mcedit /etc/vsftpd.conf
Edit perintah di bawah ini.
(hanya menghilangkan tanda comment/# aj)
# Allow anonymous FTP? (Beware - allowed by default if you comment this out).
# Uncomment this to allow local users to log in.
# Uncomment this to enable any form of FTP write command.
# Uncomment this if you want the anonymous FTP user to be able to create
# new directories.
# Activate directory messages - messages given to remote users when they
# go into a certain directory.dirmessage_enable=YES
# Activate logging of uploads/downloads.
# Make sure PORT transfer connections originate from port 20 (ftp-data).
# If you want, you can arrange for uploaded anonymous files to be owned by
# a different user. Note! Using "root" for uploaded files is not
# recommended!
# You may override where the log file goes if you like. The default is shown
# below.
# xferlog_file=/var/log/vsftpd.log
# If you want, you can have your log file in standard ftpd xferlog format
# You may change the default value for timing out an idle session.
# You may change the default value for timing out a data connection.
# data_connection_timeout=120
# It is recommended that you define on your system a unique user which the
# ftp server can use as a totally isolated and unprivileged user.
# nopriv_user=ftpsecure
Setelah itu restart dengan perintah /etc/init.d/vsftpd restartkemudian cek pada client windows, masuk windows explorer trus ketikkan ftp: ip yang anda pakai

Jumat, 11 Januari 2008

membuat server dengan linux debian

Install dg printah
#Apt-get install vsftpd
Trus konfigurasi dengan perintah mcedit /etc/vsftpd.conf
Edit seperti di bawah ini/yang bergaris bawah
(hanya menghilangkan tanda comment/# aj)
# Allow anonymous FTP? (Beware - allowed by default if you comment this out).
# Uncomment this to allow local users to log in.
# Uncomment this to enable any form of FTP write command.
# Uncomment this if you want the anonymous FTP user to be able to create
# new directories.
# Activate directory messages - messages given to remote users when they
# go into a certain directory.
# Activate logging of uploads/downloads.
# Make sure PORT transfer connections originate from port 20 (ftp-data).
# If you want, you can arrange for uploaded anonymous files to be owned by
# a different user. Note! Using "root" for uploaded files is not
# recommended!
# You may override where the log file goes if you like. The default is shown
# below.
# If you want, you can have your log file in standard ftpd xferlog format
# You may change the default value for timing out an idle session.
# You may change the default value for timing out a data connection.
# It is recommended that you define on your system a unique user which the
# ftp server can use as a totally isolated and unprivileged user.
Ket : yang di perlu d edit hanya yang bergaris bawah J aj lainnya biarin aj
Setelah itu restart dengan perintah /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart
kemudian cek pada client windows, masuk windows explorer trus ketikkan ftp: ip yang anda pakai

DHCP server


Install dengan perintah Apt-get install dhcp3-server
Konfigurasi dengan perintah mcedit /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf

Edit seperti di bawah ini

# A slightly different configuration for an internal subnet.
subnet netmask {
option domain-name-servers tkj.com;
# option domain-name "internal.example.org";
option routers;
option broadcast-address;
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;

Ket: lainnya kasih tanda comment (#)

DNS server

Pertama install dengan perintah
#Apt-get install bind9

Konfigurasi named.conf
dengan perintah mcedit /etc/bind/named.conf
Kemudian tambahkan

zone "tkj.com" { =====è tergantung nama server yang anda
type master; pakai
file "/var/cache/bind/db.tkj"; =è letak zone file

zone "192.in-addr.arpa" { =====è ip yang anda gunakan
type master;
file "/var/cache/bind/db.192";

Konfigurasi zone file

Buatlah file dengan perintah touch db.tkj atau anda copy dari /etc/bind/db.local
Kemudian edit file db.tkj

; BIND data file for local loopback interface
$TTL 604800
@ IN SOA tkj.com. root.tkj.com. (
1 ; Serial
604800 ; Refresh
86400 ; Retry
2419200 ; Expire
604800 ) ; Negative Cache TTL
@ IN NS tkj.com.
@ IN A
www IN A

Buatlah juga file db.192 dengan perintah touch db.192 atau anda copy dari /etc/bind/db.127
Kemudian edit file db.192

; BIND reverse data file for local loopback interface
$TTL 604800
@ IN SOA tkj.com. root.tkj.com. (
1 ; Serial
604800 ; Refresh
86400 ; Retry
2419200 ; Expire
604800 ) ; Negative Cache TTL
@ IN NS tkj.com.
1.10.168 IN PTR tkj.com.
1.10.168 IN PTR http://www.tkj.com/.

seting IP

File konfigurasi d debian terletak di /etc/network/interfaceEdit dengan perintah# mcedit /etc/network/interface atau#vi /etc/network/interface

Masukkan konfigurasi ip seperti berikutauto lo

iface lo inet loopbackallow-hotplug eth0

iface eth0 inet static

address =====> ip yang akan anda gunakan

netmask =====>netmask dari ip yg anda pakai

gateway =====> gateway ip anda(biasanya ip paling awal)Untuk address dan netnask diisi dengan ip dan netmask jaringan anda.Setelah selesai simpan file tersebut dan kemudian restart jaringan# /etc/init.d/networking restartSelesai dech...